Gather and Scatter's Children's Ministry exists to bring children together and partner with parents so that your child can come to know Jesus and serve others. We believe parents play a major role in a child's discipleship development and we want to support, equip, and encourage them to succeed.
We at Teen Ministry believe that in order to know God we must first talk to and about Him. Teen ministry at Gather and Scatter will be an open and safe space where teenagers can question openly without fear of criticism. In Teen Ministry we will try to provide the students with different perspectives of life rather than just one person’s view. It will be a place where we are not just “mere reflectors of other men’s thoughts” but are also able to come to terms about how God’s reaches us as individuals
Our mission is to support one another and demonstrate a life of Jesus in our place of work, on our college campuses and in our daily life. We seek to learn and care about the relevant issues in our community of Portland through God-centered relationships
We believe that life happens in the context of meaningful relationships. We scatter through out the Portland Metro area, gathering in small groups to support each other, live out the teachings of Jesus, and live life together.