We at Teen Ministry believe that in order to know God we must first talk to and about Him. Teen ministry at Gather and Scatter will be an open and safe space where teenagers can question openly without fear of criticism. In Teen Ministry we will try to provide the students with different perspectives of life rather than just one person’s view. It will be a place where we are not just “mere reflectors of other men’s thoughts” but are also able to come to terms about how God’s reaches us as individuals.



High School Leader

The High School Leader provides assistance to the High School Coordinator, leads the high school Sabbath School, and assists in putting together events during the year. Commitment: Serve every week.


Reaching out your hand to a young student in need is one of the most fundamental and genuine expressions of faith. As a Mentor, you’ll not only have a life-changing impact on a student – you’ll also likely see your own life change in immeasurable ways. Commitment: Serve every week.



Are you interested in becoming a Door Holder for our Teen Ministry? Sign up here