Every first impression makes a huge impact! Our welcome team creates a warm and welcoming environment for both first time visitors and regular attendees. From the parking lot to the sanctuary our welcome team offers a friendly smile and information that will help guests feel at home. 



Coffee Counter Service

Coffee counter Door Holders attend to the coffee counter, keeping the area clean, and restocking as needed. Coffee counter Door Holders also assist guests as needed and cleans and puts all supplies and the coffee counter away after the service.  Commitment: Serve two Saturdays a month (30 minutes before and after the service).

Connections Table

A connections table Door Hold greets guests and helps members and visitors get connected into the church. They build relationships with our members and visitors to support and guide them to serve, join a home community group, or go deeper into their faith.  Commitment: Serve two Saturdays a month (30 minutes before and after the service).

Front Door Greeter

A front door greeter welcomes guests and members as they enter the building. Greeters direct families and individuals to Children’s Church, the worship service, or any other area in the church guests may need to find.  Commitment: Serve two Saturdays a month (30 minutes before and after the service).

Parking Lot Greeter

A parking lot greeter directs guests where to park and safely guides them to the front door.  Commitment: Serve two Saturdays a month (30 minutes before and after the service).


An usher greets members and visitors before the service begins, making them feel welcome. Ushers also escort attenders to their seat and distribute materials related to the service or meeting.  Commitment: Serve two Saturdays a month (30 minutes before and after the service).



Are you interested in becoming a Door Holder for our Welcome Team? Sign up here