Join Oregon Young Adults for a beautiful night of worship and prayer happening on Friday November 17th at 8:07pm at the Holden Center in Gladstone. The night will include many worships songs, an encouraging word shared by a guest speaker, and intentional times to come together as a young adult community and pray for personal, family, career, church and national needs. This night will claim the promises of Jesus from his word, and thank him in advance for what he will do.
There will be food and warm drinks starting at 7:30pm until the doors open at 8:00pm, as well as a soup supper after the worship night, sponsored by the Gladstone SDA Church.
Please invite your friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Our team is excited to meet you and connect with you on November 17th. When you arrive plan on entering through the south set of gates making your way back to the Holden Center toward the middle of the property.
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: November 17
Community Group - South
Later Event: November 18
ORYA Worship Team Training Workshop