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Community Group - West

Get connected and come alive in your journey with Christ by meeting weekly in small group home communities. In these intimate home communities you can journey together with a small group of others who live close to where you live. Groups will meet together for a total of 8 weeks, allowing for deepening your relationship to God, creating meaningful personal connections with each other, and diving into how to better love and influence Portland.

Together we will explore the gospel and how it relates to you on a personal level. We will dive further into Spiritual disciplines, and daily walking with God’s purpose. Together we will explore Adventism, doctrine, lifestyle and personal application of what it means to be a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. We will also get to explore our very own personalities, styles of leadership and gain a greater understanding of how each of us can plug into our church community and give our heart for God in the most tangible ways.

Winter Session: Week of January 8th to Week of February 26th

West Community Group - Milwaukie, Oregon

  • Leader: Jaryn Hart
  • Time: Fridays 7:00pm to 9:00pm
  • Email: for more information 
Earlier Event: March 2
Community Group - South
Later Event: March 3
Worship Service